Last Corner of Chaos

Thursday, March 31, 2005
OMG ferst entry lol !!111 and shit like that.

Currently Listening To: Velvet Revolver - Contraband (CD)

Yeah... I'm bored as all fucking hell, so I'm gonna talk about what few things in my life happen to interest me. Whether or not you'll give a damn, (that is, if anyone decides to READ this bullshit - which I doubt. Props to you ("props"...last time I use that word. W00t brackets in brackets) if you do) I dunno. But read on, if you feel like it.

Yeah Velvet Revolver was yesterday, and it FUCKING ROCKED. Three Days Grace did a damn good job starting up, although they came on 40 minutes AFTER the concert "started". Ah well, they were playing the Chilies over the PA, so it's all good. Yeah.

But they ended up finally dragging their asses on stage at 7:40, following a little "speech" by Paul Brown (Of Teh Bear, bitch). They were pretty damn good... I'm probably gonna buy their CD. Assuming I ever get some cash. Well, they finished at, oh, 8:20, ending off with I Hate Everything About You, a song I happen to like. Which is good. He [guitar nerd] used too much distortion in the intro, though... so it was way fuzzier than in the recording.[/guitar nerd] They still did good, though. A great opening act, and they really got the audience pumped.

VR got onstage at around 9:30, quarter to 10. In that hour-ish in between we were treated first off to a pair of chicks flashing the audience (The wrong side of the stadium, though. I only saw 1 nipple. Damn) as well as getting a bunch of guys down in General Admission to flash. And were subsequently thrown out by security. To a loud resounding "Boo" from the audience. You might've heard about that in the Edmonton Journal today. The light guys tried to entertain us by following people in standing room with the spotlight, which was a little bit funny... but not enough. Oh yeah, and the chick in front of me flashed the standing room not once, not twice, but three times... I got a great view of her back *insert eyeroll here*.

When VR FINALLY got onstage, it was nuts. They started off with Sucker Train Blues, then went straight into Do It For The Kids. I can't remember for the life of me which order they played what songs in, but whatever. They did a few GN'R covers (Mr. Brownstone, Used To Love Her, and It's So Easy) and a couple of STP ones... I honestly was never an STP fan (Although I'm gonna start getting into them... good shit, they are), so I've got no clue what songs they were. They had this AWESOME solo break in Big Machine, where Matt got to go a bit nuts, and Slash going mad on the talkbox and Dave played around with feedback and effects... and I saw Scott fucking around with SOMETHING on the side of the stage, which I can only assume were keyboards. Needless to say, Duff was damn well keeping the groove up during the entire thing.

Speaking of Duff, his chance to shine came in the extended intro to show-closing Slither. He went nuts with some up-and-down the neck shit - nothing funkadelic, but damn well nice for the situation. Beautiful.

It turns out Dave Kushner's not a worthless stand-around rhythm guitarist, as so many are - during Slither, I believe, he and Slash did some secksy solo trade-offs, which showed he's got some chops.

Now to the more technical aspect - teh insturments (sic). Slash was more-often-than not playing his trademark Les Pauls (One Sunburst - or sunsetburst? Meh. - and one gold. And I think he broke out a black one at one point.) as well as one beautiful red BC Rich Mockingbird with near-black stripes separating the wings from the body - a callback to his old, old early GN'R days. It might've been the same one he got so very long ago. He also had this extremely hot heavily modified BC Rich Bich... it had 3 or 4 silver spikes facing up inside the cut on the bottom (think Women and Children First-era EVH Kramer Frankenstein), and other than that was a solid black. Amazingly hot. Dave Kushner had these BEAUTIFUL Les Paul-lookalikes... which I believe is the Fernandes Ravelle. He had one in a shitty ass shade of teal, but then two more (one black, one white). I'm pretty sure he played some sort of Strat-shape at one point, but not sure. Duff had a sweet-ass tobacco (?) sunburst bass, which may or may not have been a P-Bass, as well as a white one. I think I saw him play a 5-String, too, but that could've actually been me mixing up the bassist from Three Days grace in my mind. Pretty sad seeing as one's nothing special and the other's Duff McKagan.

And Matt Sorum had a gong. Booyah.

So lessee... nipples, check. Three Days Grace, check. Long wait, check. VR, check. Oh yeah, I bought a shirt. It's hot. I'll upload a picture eventually.

And that sums up the Velvet Revolver concert. Next one I'm waiting for: The Slipknot Subliminal Verses tour. Featuring SHADOWS FUCKING FALL and LAMB OF GODDAMN GOD. HELLS yeeuh.

Next point of matter... I AHD a kickass party type thing today. It was awesome. And form this point on anybody who doesn't know me or my friends personally will be lost. But just in case I'll toss in links to Nexopia pages where possible/when applicable.

Awright. It started off as just me, Josh, and Dylan (who does not EVER use his Nexopia page) hanging out and playing video games, eating pizza, watching porn... er, Family Guy.

But no. I brought more people. I convinced Shawn and Laura to come, and Dylan got Brandon to follow suit.

And of course Brandon has his accoutrements. With him comes his better half (ie. the one with boobies) Natalie, and the ever-present Chris. Of course, Chris had to bring HIS ball-and-chain, Kathleen who brought HER friends (and mine from Junior High, in a roundabout way) Angie and Lisa.

GodDAMN it took way too long to type that.


Well, the bulk of the party (Dylan, Shawn, Brandon (complete with new AWESOME haircut), and Chris) got there at 6:30 or so, so we hung out in my room talking about shit all, molesting my guitar(s), and taking random pictures... which I can upload onto whatever random webspace I feel like upon request. And subsequently remove upon further request. Oh, and we played with my awesome puppy. Wait, no, the pics got deleted. Damn. Ah well. Anyways... Laura got there ten minutes later, and joined us. Chris decided to call up Kathleen, who lives laughingly close to my place, so he ran over and brought her and her friends over, and got there, say, fifteen minutes after. By this point we were drinking Coke and Shawn was eating all the chips down in my family room, and Brandon got a call from Natalie saying that she was actually able to come (she had said earlier that she wasn't able to; her parents had a change of heart, I guess). She didn't get to my place for a while, though, which kinda sucked. Josh FINALLY got there at closer to seven thirty. Ah well.

Once everyone was finally there and settled, Josh, me, and Dylan (Hoorah for shittastic grammar) headed off to Blockbuster to get games and movies. We were offered a ride from my dad, which we turned down, but once we got about halfway down Cumberland Road he came driving along, and drove us there anyway. Guess we were taking too long (No shit, eh?). After much decision-making we picked up The Exorcist (The Version You've Never Seen, says the package. And it remains true even still) and WarioWare (BLOODY FUCKING AWESOME GAME). We would've gotten Smash Bros. Melee and Donkey Kong Jungle Beat, but those heartless bastards at Blockbuster DIDN'T HAVE EITHER. Cockfucks.

Yes, we have a Nintendo perversion. Kiss my Cube's ass.

Yeah. When we came back, we popped in the Exorcist, but turned it off after about 10 minutes for three reasons:

1. It was extremely shitty (at least the intro was). It was some fucking old guy and a bunch of nearly non-understandable scenes in the desert.
2. Angie and Lisa had to leave at 9 (We got back at 8:30) and it wasn't worth it for them to only see Exorcist, the beginning (OH BAD PUN)... we played the game with them instead until they had to leave.
3. The game was calling to us. Loudly.

So we pulled out the movie, tossed it into the case, and forgot about it. Then plugged in the GCN and played WarioWare, which is definitely on my "Most Addictive Games" List. I only had 1 wireless controller, and there were chips (and dip!) in the way we didn't want to spill, so we put it on single player and tossed the controller around every gameover or two (depending on who was playing and how many minigames said person played). Our system didn't start working too well until after a few times (Damn you Josh and your seven turns in a row), but it all smoothed out eventually. Lisa and Angela got out of there at 9, 9:15 (To much sadness on Shawn's part, XD), but unlike we had planned, we kept on playing the game, eating pizza and drinking Coke in between turns. And watching Brandonandnatalie (Yes, they are officially one name now) and Chris and Kathleen (They haven't reached that stage... yet. At least not in my eyes.) make out on the loveseat (giving a new, extremely obvious meaning to the name). And we played. And played. And played. GodDAMN that game is addictive. Kathleen left at 10-ish, along with Chris (Who came back ten minutes later, as he was only walking her home), and he proceeded to kick some ass at the game. Everyone started clearing out between ten thirty and quarter to eleven, first Shawn and Laura, then Chris, Brandon, and Josh, and then Dylan.

'Twas a night to remember.

But yeah. If you're ever bored, get a dozen people, a few bowls of chips, 4 2 Liter bottles of various carbonated nonalcoholic beverages, an iPod filled with hardcore shit (SOAD and Killswitch make a great soundtrack for mini- sorry, microgames), and a Gamecube loaded with WarioWare and just go with it for 3 hours. It's good, I tell you. Very good.

Now it's 3:16 in the morning, and I'm posting my first journal entry. By the time you read this, but after I type this very line, I will have run this through Microsoft Word to edit it for typos - something I suggest all Nexopia users do before posting anything with any length.

Good night, everyone, and don't eat yellow snow.

(Note: This entry was originally a Journal entry for Nexopia. I am just too damn lazy to fix it up to make it more appropriate for here. Suck it.)